
On October 3rd the campaign #nomorebricksinthewall will have its key momentum with 28 Capital Events held in all EU member states.

The event in Limassol will include summer cinema, music, dance, food and information.

The popular Cypriot singer Michael Hatzigiannis will sing in memory of the refugees and immigrants who lost their lives in the Mediterranean.

Make October 3rd the European Day of Memory and Welcome, sign here bit.ly/2lhPW9X

Why this date is important? In 2016 the Italian Senate established by law that the date of October 3rd would be the Italian Day of Memory and Welcome (this initiative was held and promoted thanks to Comitato 3 Ottobre, born with this specific goal), to be celebrated every year to remember and commemorate all the victims of immigration and to promote awareness and solidarity initiatives. It is time we introduce this day in entire Europe.

From October 3, 2013 to today, 17,900 migrants and refugees have died or are missing in the Mediterranean Sea. While 2016 was the most lethal year, with 5,096 people who lost their lives in a desperate attempt to find salvation in Europe. In 2018 one out of every 18 people who crossed the Mediterranean heading to Europe lost his/her live: an unacceptable human cost and an unacceptable human statistic.

The 3rd of October will be a day to commemorate and reflect on these human losses; a day where wrong policies confront our individual and European values which should always stand higher. A day to remember the past, to correct the present and to envision our European future of solidarity and respect of all human lives.


Venue Details





Four Seasons Hotel

Four Seasons Hotel
