
Ecopolis is a 3-day festival that will run from July 25 to July 27. All events will be free. This year’s festival schedule is as follows:

25/07 – Talks, presentations, and discussions

Presentations will start at 19:30 sharp! Presentations and discussion will take place in Greek but on the spot whisper translation will be available.

The first day of the festival aims to give a more theoretical framework through the use of examples of reclaiming of common goods, the creation of alternative autonomous structures as well as the limits of such attempts which exist in the frame of today’s liberal democracy. Two presentations will take place and after each one there will be a discussion.

  1. A theoretical approach to the Commons and the Right to the City – the example of the within the walls city of Nicosia. Georgina Christou, Evi Tselika, Maria Hadjimichael
  2. From the Latin America pink tide to the Mediterranean: The impact of elections in radical political procedures.

Leonidas Oikonomakis

At the end of the first day there will a reggae & dub party with Mrs Hen on the decks and mojitos!

26/07 – Τhe Gathering of the Struggles: Initiatives for the environment and the right to the city across Cyprus

The second day of the Ecopolis Festival aims to bring together citizen initiatives that are linked with the broader thematic of the festival; and who raise, challenge and renegotiate the social tensions of everyday life, whether we are talking about our streets, our squares, or the mountains, the sea and the seashore. Within this framework, different Initiatives fighting for the protection of our natural and cultural heritage, access to public spaces, the right to housing etc will come together and discuss.

After the initiatives’ presentations Beeris will follow with some [directly or indirectly] politically charged blues and rock.

27/07 – Ecopolis_live with Social Waste, Julio and Bunfiyah –

Donations help us maintain the festival’s independent and self-funded character, so they are more than welcome.

Learn more about the festival on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/2122853824420952/


Venue Details

Nicosia Municipal Market Square



Manolito Pizza & Pasta Ltd.

Manolito Pizza & Pasta Ltd.


Hilton Cyprus

Hilton Cyprus
