Ein Deutsches Requiem / Johannes Brahms

Holy Cross Catholic Church 20:30 01 November


“Ein Deutsches Requiem” / “A German Requiem” by Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897) is one of the most prominent works of the music history, and it will be performed live by the choirs of Berlin and Nicosia on November 1 at 20:30.

The two capital city choirs ‘HXOS-Chor Berlin and the Polifonia Choir from Nicosia stage this remarkable piece together under the artistic direction of the Cyprus-born choral director Stelios Chatziktoris. In the first part of the concert evening the ‘HXOS-Chor Berlin will take the audience into the wonderful world of the timbres of the choral music with it’s a Capella program. Subsequently, the audience will experience the touching sound of the Requiem with its comforting message.

Organized by: Hxos-Chor Berlin, Polifonia Choir Nikosia
Supported by: Goethe Institut, Federal Foreign Ministry
Languages: German, English, Greek

Participation: 12 €
Reservations: At Pallas Theatre, Paphos Gate: Every Wednesday 4-7pm & at the church entrance 1 hour before the concert


Venue Details

Holy Cross Catholic Church

Paphos Gate, Nicosia Old Town, Nicosia


China Spice Restaurant

China Spice Restaurant


Hilton Cyprus

Hilton Cyprus
