Expanding vocabulary: improvisation with R Buscarini

Dancehouse Lefkosia 10:00 26 May +357 22 780960


Driven by a passion for sculpture and architecture, and starting from the assumption that our movement can carve the space and leave a trace behind, Riccardo leads a very high-paced, dynamic and spacious improvisation class on May 26 at 10:00 aiming to unlock the body and stretch its movement potential into a million different directions.

The focus of Riccardo’s work is on movement projection. Throughout the class, dancers are invited to look for the limits of their kinesphere and challenge their own habits in order to approach movement with a tridimensional perspective and to embrace the surrounding space fully.

Style: improvisation

Level: open to everybody

Mood: fun

Workshop trailer: vimeo.com/263477700

Participation fee: 30 euros / 20 euros for the Friends of the Dancehouse Lefkosia.

For more information: 22 780 960/ 7000 50 35/ [email protected]

*Riccardo Buscarini (www.riccardobuscarini.com), acclaimed Italian choreographer, director and installation artist, will be the invited mentor for the Artists in Progress 2019, at the Dancehouse Lefkosia from 25th of May 2019- 2nd of June 2019.


Venue Details


Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre (NiMAC)

Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre (NiMAC)


Hilton Cyprus

Hilton Cyprus
