
On January 22-24, in the theatres of Larnaca, Nicosia and Limassol, the fairy-tale theatre play “Let’s not fly anywhere, Hedgehog…” will be presented to the Cypriot youth audience by the artists from the Chelyabinsk Drama Youth Theatre.

“Let’s not fly away, Hedgehog …” – a fairy-tale about kindness, friendship and love. This is a performance that will be understandable and interesting for both adults and children. Everyone will be able to discover something new in it.

Particular emphasis is placed on the interaction of actors with young viewers who will definitely not be bored at this performance. Children become not just spectators, but also one of the active components of the action on stage, and without the spectators some parts of the show cannot be played.

The peculiarity of the performance is the complete absence of text, all the action is based on pantomime, which makes it understandable for everyone without language limitation barriers.

Somewhere, not far from us, the Hedgehog, the Bear Cub and the Hare are living. They are very different, each has its own inner world. The Hedgehog is dreamy and vulnerable. The bear is positive and charming. The Hare is open and active. Once they become friends, they can no longer live without each other. After all, only with a friend you can sit on the porch and wipe the dust from the stars, so they can shine brighter, every night without saying a word, and this will be the best conversation in life.

Performance schedule:

January 22, 19:00 – Larnaca Municipal Theater

January 23, 19:00 – Russian Cultural Centre (Nicosia)

January 24, 19:00 – ETHAL Theatre (Limassol)

Tickets (€ 7 for adults / € 5 for children, senior citizens and persons with disabilities) can be booked now on shop.tickethour.com.


Venue Details


1900 Bistrot Wine Restaurant

1900 Bistrot Wine Restaurant


Hilton Cyprus

Hilton Cyprus
