
The game ‘Papers, please!’ produced by Lucas Pope in 2013, is the third of three games, which will be played live during the series of events “Games and Politics”. Experts from Cyprus and Germany will comment on the play-through and answer audience questions.

In the videogame ‘Papers, please!’ the player takes the role of a border guard in the dictatorial regime Arstotzka. People are waiting in long queues at the border to enter Kolechia. Based on a rulebook the player has to decide who to allow and who to deny entry. The player must verify whether the information given on the papers is true, whether the people are lying or could pose a terrorist threat. Should the player make a mistake, this could lead to sanctions like wage deductions, resulting to starvation and illness for their family. In the course of the game its rules become more complicated and the histories of those wishing to enter Kolechia more complex. Is the man with the expired work visa really just a harmless family man? Does the woman with the invalid passport really just want to visit her sick mother? The guard, in a position of power, is torn between their consciousness and fear for their existence.

Moderator: Frixos Masouras

Gamer: Constantinos Psillides

Speaker DE: Konstantin Mitgutsch

Speaker CY: Andreas Kyriacou


Venue Details


To Pantopoleio “Kali Orexi”

To Pantopoleio “Kali Orexi”


Hilton Cyprus

Hilton Cyprus
