
Head to the unique puppet ballet “Petrushka” by the great Russian composer Igor Stravinsky, which will be shown on December 6 at 20.00 at the “Scala” Theatre (Larnaca) on December 7 at 20.00 at the Russian Cultural Centre (Nicosia), and on December 8 at 18.00 at the “Markideio” Theatre (Paphos).

The puppet ballet “Petrushka” will be interesting and understandable to both children and adults, and both the Russian-speaking population of Cyprus and the Cypriots. Such a performance will be presented in Cyprus for the first time. The performance will be staged in the framework of the international project “Russian Theatre Seasons in Cyprus”.

Tickets: (€7 for adults / €5 for children, senior citizens and persons with disabilities) can booked at the Russian Cultural Centre by calling +357 22 761607 or email [email protected].

In the history of Russian and world art there is an amazing theatrical show in which people depict dolls. This is the avant-garde ballet “Petrushka” by Igor Stravinsky, created specifically for Dyagilev’s “Russian Seasons in Paris” at the beginning of the last century. And now, 103 years after the noisy Parisian ballet premiere, the Tula State Puppet Theatre decided on an experiment no less avant-garde, while realizing an idea that seems to be more logical to interpret the scenario of Stravinsky and Benoit.

Indeed, why should people depict dancing dolls? Maybe the dolls, on the contrary, start dancing? St. Petersburg director Alexander Stavissky in close artistic alliance with the Honoured Artist of Russia Nelly Polyakova creates on the Tula scene a stunningly vibrant atmosphere of St. Petersburg carnivals of booths with the city covered with the last February snow, and a fairground old barrel magician.

Against the background of general fun, a true love drama unfolds: Petrushka in love with Ballerina dies by the hand of his happy rival Arap. A real miracle occurs on the stage: thanks to the virtuoso work of puppeteers, the dolls begin to dance, just as the most plastic person could not! In this case, the actors dance too. And this thanks to the St. Petersburg choreographer Alexia Belavina.

The international project “Russian Theatre Seasons in Cyprus” is being implemented by the Embassy of Russia and the Russian Cultural Centre in Cyprus with the support of a number of partner organizations and municipalities under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nicos Anastasiades. The aim of the “Russian Theatre Seasons in Cyprus” is to offer a qualitatively new cultural product to the Cypriot audience, within which every month high-quality Moscow and regional theatre groups from Russia visit Cyprus with performances. The productions based on the works of the greatest classics of Russian literature and modern authors correspond to the standards of the excellence that the Russian theatre school has traditionally been famous for.

The performances are staged in Russian with subtitles in English and Greek, in order to give the Cypriot public and Russian compatriots a unique opportunity to personally enjoy the best examples of Russian theatrical art in Cyprus.

Tickets: www.tickethour.com.cy


Venue Details


The Tudor Inn Bar

The Tudor Inn Bar


Aldiana Beach Hotel

Aldiana Beach Hotel
