
In light of Pride month 2018, a series of events are organized in order to raise awareness and understanding of LGBT+ issues. The events invite and are appropriate to all sorts of people, of varied backgrounds and ages.

On Sunday 20th, Human Library Cyprus is holding the event «Rainbow Narrations» allowing a space for one to one conversation with LGBTI people so that their experiences are shared and understood.

The concept of a Human Library acts as an insight to hearing the stories of people from various cultural, ethnic and social backgrounds. The ‘books’ you read here are humans and  each book refers to a characteristic that has in their real life; a characteristic that others may face with ignorance, suspicion or prejudice. These books are not actors or authors of books. They are human beings open to talk about themselves to allow a discussion for diversity to start. They are open books for achieving a culture of understanding and respecting of diversity.

The procedure is simple. You come and borrow a book for a maximum time of half an hour. The reading session takes the form of a personal meeting between you and the book and you may ask whatever you would like as long as you return the book back to us intact.

The event is free and runs from 10:00 – 13:00 at Iris Consulting center.

Pride 2018

Organized by ACCEPT organization, that works for the acceptance and support of LGBT people and the elimination of all discrimination against the LGBT community in Cyprus, the events happening during the course of this month aim to bring visibility and solidarity to the LGBT community.

This year’s theme ‘Make the Change’ refers to having a more trans-inclusive society and securing legal gender recognition.

All Pride 2018 events here

Venue Details


Ocean Basket

Ocean Basket


Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort

Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort
