Silky Scarf: Evagoras Karageorgis – Pavlina Konstantopoulou

Technopolis 20 20:00 17 January 70002420


The idea started from the Kafenio Valitsa in Nicosia, where Evagoras Karageorgis and Pavlina Konstantopoulou started presenting works of Evagoras. Then, carving out old tunes and notes, we expanded our musical map to other musical wanderings. Therefore, in this musical performance, the duet will be playing music and songs made out of silk scarves, music and songs that were made in the old way of thinking but sound fresh in our ears. We will hear songs we loved and you loved, songs that travelled us and travelled you through time: the present, the past and the future.

Enjoy a beautiful evening, with lovely melodies by the truly Cypriot talented musicians Evagoras Karageorgis and Pavlina Constantopoulou, at Technopolis 20, on Friday, 17th of January 2020, at 8pm.

Entrance: 10 euro

Reservations are necessary at 70002420 (calls only).

Venue Details


Windmill Restaurant Paphos

Windmill Restaurant Paphos


Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort

Ayii Anargyri Natural Healing Spa Resort
