
Families will love the children’s puppet “The Three Bears”, which to be shown on December 7, at 17.00, at the Russian Cultural Centre in Nicosia.

The unique puppet show “The Three Bears” with the effect of presence, in the framework of the international project “Russian Theatre Seasons in Cyprus” of the Russian Embassy and the Russian Cultural Centre performed by the Tula State Puppet Theatre.

The performance will be given in Russian with subtitles in English and Greek.

The fantasy on the theme of the fairy tale by the great Russian writer Lev Tolstoy “The Three Bears” is performed by two actors who are well versed in the art of managing puppets.

The audience is sitting just a step away from the stage, and the fact that the dolls in the hands of the artists begin to come to life, in the literal sense, before the eyes of the children does not destroy the miracle of the theatre, but, on the contrary, only strengthens it. And then the effect increases in many steps, as the whole show unfolds against the background of dynamic scenery, “living” with its special amazing life due to computer projection. So it turns out that the children’s eye does not just have something to “catch on” – it is completely absorbed by what is happening.

Actually, this effect of absorption, the invitations to cooperation were sought by the creators of the show, for whom it is not the formal side of the confluence of the stage and the auditorium that is important, but its emotional component that encourages children to create, to live a theatrical miracle. In the autumn of 2014, at the 39th International Festival of Puppet Theatres “Morgana” in Palermo (Sicily. Italy), the show was very warmly received by an audience of various ages.

The international project “Russian Theatre Seasons in Cyprus” is being implemented by the Embassy of Russia and the Russian Cultural Centre in Cyprus with the support of a number of partner organisations and municipalities under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Nicos Anastasiades. The aim of the “Russian Theatre Seasons in Cyprus” is to offer a qualitatively new cultural product to the Cypriot audience, within which every month high-quality Moscow and regional theatre groups from Russia visit Cyprus with performances. The productions based on the works of the greatest classics of Russian literature and modern authors correspond to the standards of the excellence that the Russian theatre school has traditionally been famous for.

The performances are staged in Russian with subtitles in English and Greek, in order to give the Cypriot public and Russian compatriots a unique opportunity to personally enjoy the best examples of Russian theatrical art in Cyprus.

Tickets: www.tickethour.com.cy


Venue Details





Hilton Cyprus

Hilton Cyprus

