Holy Thursday and the climax of Christ’s Passion

Holy Week recounts the life of Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection, but for many believers Easter is a holiday that represents the promise that there is life after death, and Holy Thursday is the day that the passion of Christ reaches its climax at church services.
The evening service on Thursday is sombre occasion for churchgoers, as twelve gospels are read, and around the fifth gospel Christ is crucified. During the crucifixion re-enactment, the cross is taken out of the altar with an effigy of Christ on it. The congregation kneels, and the lights are dimmed.
The moment is very emotional, and many believers cry as the cross is walked around the church, to a wooden podium, where it is placed, bells tone, and a thud of a hammer is heard.
After the crucifixion, the people go up and kneel and kiss the feet of Christ, and the service continues with the rest of the gospel readings, which detail instructions of Christ, the passion, and his moments on the cross.
Eggs are traditionally dyed on Holy Thursday, as Friday is considered a funeral day, and most Orthodox Christians do not work.