Discover 15 Fun Facts About Cyprus

If you are visiting Cyprus for the first time, and if you want to know some fun facts about the island of Aphrodite, look no further, because My Cyprus Travel has collected a quick fun set of information for you.
Known as the island of Aphrodite, Cyprus is one of the most intriguing countries in Europe, and has been a crossroads of civilisations throughout its history.
Here are 15 interesting facts about the island:
1. Cyprus is the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean.
2. The world’s oldest wine label belongs to Cyprus. ‘Commandaria’ is recognised as the world’s oldest named wine dating back 5000 years.
3. The first Olympic medal won by Cyprus was at the London 2012 Olympics.
4. Out of the total 1950 species of flowering plants worldwide, 140 are located in Cyprus.
5. The Cyprus Moufflon (a rare variety of sheep) can be seen nowhere else in the world.

Male mouflon in the forest
6. Cyprus has sunshine for more than 300 days during a year.
7. Cyprus has one of the world’s most popular wreck diving sites known as the Zenobia, off the coast of Larnaca.
8. Cyprus is the first nation to include the shape of its country on its Flag.
9. There are three UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Cyprus, including the town of Paphos, the Painted Churches in the Troodos Region and the Neolithic settlement of Choirokoitia.
10. Cyprus is one of Europe’s most southerly ski resorts.
11. More than 45 beaches on Cyprus have been awarded the EU Blue Flag for cleanliness & safety.
12. Nicosia, the capital of the island, is the only capital in the world to be divided between two nations.
13. The Neolithic settlement of Choirokoitia in Cyprus is one of the most important Neolithic sites in Europe.
14. Approximately 10,000 flamingos temporarily stop over to feed at the Larnaca Salt Lake every autumn during their migration towards the south.
15. Cyprus is home to around 20 rare species of orchid.